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Balmain Ceramic Round Brush XL 43mm 陶瓷圓刷

Balmain Ceramic Round Brush XL 43mm 陶瓷圓刷

定價 HK$750.00
定價 售價 HK$750.00
特價 售罄

Balmain Paris Hair Couture 這款大號圓筒髮刷可顯著縮短你等待頭髮乾透的時間,尤其適合長髮或清晨忙碌時使用。 43毫米長的陶瓷塗層圓筒加熱迅速,幫助鎖住髮絲水分並減少毛躁,同時韌性十足的鬃毛可牢牢裹住髮絲,不讓其滑落。趕快讓它成為你不用去專業髮廊,也能擁有一頭蓬鬆閃亮秀髮的秘訣吧。

Balmain Paris Hair Couture's large round brush will minimize your drying time - perfect for those with long locks or busy morning routines. Designed to heat up quickly, the 43mm barrel has a ceramic coating that seals in moisture and reduces frizz, while the malleable bristles hold strands securely as you work. We think it's the secret to achieving bouncy, shiny locks without a trip to the salon.
