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Balmain Riviera Headband Cognac Large 真皮头箍 (大號)

Balmain Riviera Headband Cognac Large 真皮头箍 (大號)

定價 HK$4,900.00
定價 售價 HK$4,900.00
特價 售罄

到品牌豐富的高級定製傳統的啟發,並依賴最優質的材料、工匠和設計,巴爾曼髮飾(Balmain Hair Couture)創造了「Les Accessoires」(時尚髮飾)系列,這是一系列豪華髮飾。該系列中的髮飾完全採用傳統工藝手工製作。每個單品都採用了品牌標誌性的金色細節設計。這一經典設計元素可以在巴爾曼巴黎的所有系列中找到。




Inspired by the house’s rich couture heritage and relying on nothing but the finest materials, craftsmen and design, Balmain Hair Couture created “Les Accessoires”, a luxury hair accessory line. The hairpieces in the “Les Accessoires” collection are entirely handcrafted by using traditional techniques. Every single item in this collection features the signature golden detailing. This returning design element can be found in all Balmain Paris collections.


An all time classic hair accessory. The genuine leather cognac coloured headband with 18K golden logo takes inspiration from the French Riviera. Designed with a nude coloured nubuck inside to provide extra grip onto the hair. A timeless hair accessory that complements every look. Including polishing cloth to keep the accessory in perfect condition.

 Adorned with the 18K gold Balmain Hair Couture logo
 Genuine Napa Leather
 Includes a polishing cloth