Mediceuticals Volume / Strength (Hair Reconstructor) 250ml, 1000ml 頭髮豐盈修護液 (動搜買任何三件八折)
Mediceuticals Volume / Strength (Hair Reconstructor) 250ml, 1000ml 頭髮豐盈修護液 (動搜買任何三件八折)
減少因通過發熱器材 (吹風機,直髮器,曲髮滾筒等) 應用招致的損害。
重點成份 :
* Collagen Amino Acids - 膠原蛋白氨基酸為頭髮增添彈性。
* Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein - 水解小麥蛋白為稀疏頭髮增加體積光澤和可塑性。並進行修復受損的頭髮,它穿透髮幹到頭髮的內部纖維中容易吸收。
* Silk Amino Acids - 蠶絲氨基酸幫助頭髮迅速恢復。並加添閃耀光澤。
* Hydrolyzed vegetable protein - 水解植物蛋白,進入髮束,它的親水基因。從纖維內部,起結合作用水分子,提供深層保濕, 減少頭髮纖維的脆性和分叉的形式。
使用方法 :
先用 VIVID 清洗頭髮後才使用 VOLUME & STRENGTH。放兩個蓋子容量或十毫升在頭髮上,搓撫產生泡沫, 從髮根頭順撫到髮尖。頭髮起初會因毛麟片張開變得粗糙,吸收養分後。會變得順滑待二至三分鐘,徹底沖洗,先以毛巾把頭髮擦乾.
在使用Final Finish 2~3分鐘使吸收養分後。頭髮毛麟片收起,鎖緊變得順滑和不纏結後。徹底沖洗。
此修護液,可於任何 Medice6uticals 洗髮水後使用。
相關配套產品 :
* VIVID -淨化洗髮水
*Moist Cyte -頭髮保濕液
* Final Finish - 潤澤護髮素
Treatment for fine, damaged or weak hair
* Restores moisture, shine & elasticity
* Protects hair from thermal damage
* Gives volume to the hair
* Reconstructs fine, damaged or weak hair and split ends
* Restores moisture, shine & elasticity
* Protects hair from thermal damage
* Gives volume to the hair
* Reconstructs fine, damaged or weak hair and split ends
Key Ingredients :
* Collagen Amino Acids : Adds elasticity to the hair
* Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein : thickens and adds volume to thinning hair, add shine and manageability, and repairs damaged hair. It easily penetrates the hair shaft and absorbs into the inner fibers of the hair.
* Silk Amino Acids : Helps the hair recover quickly and adds shine
* Hydrolyzed vegetable Protein : enters the hair strand and its hydrophilic groups work from within the fiber to bind water molecules, providing deep moisturization to reduce hair fiber brittleness and formation of split ends.
Directions :
cleanse the hair with VIVID shampoo. Apply a small amount of VOLUME & STRENGTH to towel dried hair, distribute evenly through the hair and work product into the damaged areas, leave on for 2-3 minutes. Rinse thoroughly, Always use the FINAL FINISH afterwards
Complementary products :
* VIVID - purifying shampoo
*Moist Cyte - Hydrating treatment
* Final Finish - Acidifying Rinse