Minimis M02 The Hydrator保濕精華 60ml / 2 fl.oz
Minimis M02 The Hydrator保濕精華 60ml / 2 fl.oz
MINIMIS BY CABANEE ORGANICS 有機而簡單的護膚四步曲的第二步:M02 The Hydrator保濕精華,是質地輕薄的精華液,建議在使用M01 The Cleanser潔面乳後使用。The Hydrator是爽膚水和精華的二合一,質地清爽,能迅速被肌膚吸收,帶給肌膚滿滿的保濕力。含有高濃度的香草純露,芳香怡人,用在臉上溫和不刺激之餘亦能殺菌。
- 香草純露—由香草葉蒸餾而成,香味怡人。其溫和的殺菌和收斂特性,加上淡雅的芳香,用在臉上令人神清氣爽。
- 金縷梅精華—金縷梅精華用途廣泛,有助改善各種皮膚問題,能夠撫平暗瘡、舒緩乾燥瘙癢的皮膚,也可以收斂毛孔,調節油脂分泌。
- 青瓜精華—青瓜是敏感皮膚的恩物,含有多種能軟化和滋養皮膚的礦物質。
- 海藻精華—海藻精華為皮膚和頭髮提供維他命和礦物質,保護皮膚免受氧化損害,在滋潤皮膚之餘增強皮膚抗衰老能力,特別適用於敏感和受刺激皮膚。
用M01 The Cleanser潔面乳清潔面部後,將3至4滴保濕精華滴於皮膚上,輕輕按壓,待吸收後再使用M03 The Moisturizer滋潤凝露。
Second step of Minimis by Cabanee Organics simple 4-STEP skincare routine, The Hydrator is a thin and light serum and is recommended to be used after cleaning with The Cleanser. As a 2-in-1 toner and serum, it is lightweight yet hydrating and can be absorbed nicely by skin. It contains a high percen
Key Ingredients
Sweet Grass Hydrosol – Distillation product of the sweetgrass leaves. Sweetgrass hydrosol has a pleasant fragrance. Its mild antiseptic and astringent properties and lightly fragrant make it refreshing to use on the face.
Witch Hazel Extract – Witch hazel extract is a multi-purpose remedy that can help a wide variety of skin conditions including spot treatment of acne or soothing dry or itchy skin. It can also act as an astringent to help tone oily skin.
Cucumber Extract – Cucumber is frequently used on sensitive skin. It contains minerals that are used to soften and hydrate the skin.
Algae Extract – Algae extract nourishes the skin & hair with vitamins and minerals and protects the skin from antioxidant stress. Hydrates the skin and provides antioxidant properties. Especially suitable for the sensitive and irritated skin.
Directions of use
Direction of Use: After cleaning with The Cleanser, apply 3-4 drops and press onto skin gently. Allow to absorb and follow with The Moisturizer.
Recommended Storage: Store in a cool, dry location.
Warning: If you are pregnant or nursing, or have sensitive skin, allergies or any serious medical conditions, please consult a physician or medical professional. A skin patch test is always recommended prior to use.
Ingredients list
Hierochloe Odorata (Sweetgrass) Extract, Hamamelis Virginiana (Witch Hazel) Distillate*, Glycerine*, Glycerine*, Phenethyl Alcohol^, Pentylene Glycol^, Propanediol^, Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Fruit Extract*, Laminaria Digitata (Algae) Extract, Hyaluronic Acid#, Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Leaf Juice*, Citric Acid#, Disodium Citrate
*Certified Organic
#Ecocert Approved
^Naturally Derived